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Carpenter Bees

Carpenter Bees

One of the least understood pests in Georgia, the Eastern Carpenter Bee is also one of the most common. As its name suggests, carpenter bees like to make their nests in wood structures. The carpenter bee is considered by many to be a nuisance pest, and we get calls about them regularly. In this week's blog, we will explore the appearance and habits of the carpenter bee so you will understand your potential insect neighbor.

For starters, few people are able to tell if the large, bulbous insect hovering outside their patio is a carpenter bee or a bumblebee. There are several differentiating characteristics between the carpenter bee and the bumble bee. Carpenter bees have an almost entirely black abdomen (bottom half), while the bumblebee has yellow stripes along its entire body. Also, carpenter bees tend to be slightly larger than bumblebees and are found more often defending their nests. But with their large size and fearsome buzzing, can the carpenter bee hurt you?

Ah, Summer. The wonderful time of year when round, heavy insects think it is funny to fly at your head. June bugs, bees, beetles; all take to the air to fill our ears with the terrifying sound of drumming wings. In the case of the carpenter bee, the drumming is often drawn out, as the bee likes to hover in one spot and observe the "human invader" that enters its territory.

Preparing for the imminent charge of the bee and the expectation of its painful stinger, you think twice about going outside and run back into your home for safety. But this is unnecessary. The carpenter bees that are curious and come near you are males. Male carpenter bees do NOT have a stinger. In fact, even the female carpenter bees (who DO have stingers) are very non-aggressive and will only sting when provoked. So why are these seemingly harmless insects considered pests?

The carpenter bee builds its nest inside of wood structures. The resulting entrance hole is fairly large and almost unnaturally circular.
The tunnels that the bee drills out of the wood can weaken the structure, much like in the case of a termite (though the bee does not actually consume the wood).

As if the effect of the carpenter bees to a structure isn't bad enough, the offspring (larvae) of the carpenter bees are a favorite meal for wood peckers. These birds come looking for the larvae, but cause more damage to the structure trying to get to the carpenter bee larvae. So once again, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. s a result, it is best that a family of carpenter bees be dealt with by a certified technician to ensure that your home or other structure remain structurally sound.

If you have a problem with carpenter bees in your home or office, please let a certified technician at Preferred Pest Control help eliminate the problem. Call us at (912)236-5135 and make Preferred Pest Control your Pest Management Company in the Savannah, Georgia area.