A Note on Product Safety

One of the most frequent concerns we get from potential customers is: “How safe are these chemicals for my family and pets?” On the surface, this question seems a reasonable one. After all, chemicals and pesticides engineered to kill insect infestations should understandably warrant caution. But let us take a moment to address these concerns today, from the perspective of a leading Pest Management Company in the Savannah area.
What the Regulations Do:
For starters, the pest control industry is one of the most highly regulated industries in America. After the environmentalist movement of the 1970’s, extra care was taken to ensure that products on the market would not do harm to unspecified organisms. Today, the conventional idea of pesticides as indiscriminate destroyers is completely unfounded, and all pest control agents have to be explicitly approved before going on the market.
What WE Do:
Working in the pest control industry, there are always choices to be made regarding which products we use and how we use them. We here at Preferred choose to use only those products which will cost you less money while also exterminating only the target insects, preserving your local environment. Also, we have many alternative treatment options that we can use to match your specific consumer preferences, including Green products. We are unique among Pest Management Companies in our dedication to making sure that you get exactly the treatment you want for your home or office.
Something else to keep in mind, the treatments we use have several molecules in them that aid in the extermination process, and the main ingredient is fipronil. Where also might fipronil be located? The answer: your cat’s or dog’s flea and tick medicine. Also, in these medicines, the concentration of fipronil is more than 100 times that contained in our pesticides. Therefore, the concern you have about being around our pest treatments should be exponentially less than even that of being around your dog after administering one of these aforementioned medicines. In my experience, which stretches back to 1988, I have never seen even one of my technicians get sick or harmed from being around our treatments, and that should speak volumes to anyone who has any undue concerns about our practices. Please, if you are holding out on getting much needed termite or pest control due to concerns about treatment products, let us go through with you over the phone or in person just how safe these products are, so that we can make sure your house is protected from pests of all kinds.
If you are interested in learning more about our pest services, or indeed in coming on with us as one of our loyal customers, please give us a call at (912)-236-5135 and make us your Pest Management Company in the Savannah area today!