Keep Bugs Out with this Simple Checklist

Got Bugs? Along with a regular pest control service, you can keep them out by following this checklist:
Home Interior
- Clean up leftover food and dirty dishes immediately.
- Fix leaky faucets and appliances.
- Eliminate clutter, especially on the floor, in the kitchen, and near appliances.
- Store trash properly in a can with a tight-fitted lid.
- Remove trash to the outside can as often as possible.
- Cover power outlets (pests love hiding here!)
- Empty your vacuum frequently into a sealed trash receptacle outside.
- Allow sinks, tubs, and showers to dry completely.
- Sweep frequently; mopping is encouraged.
Home Exterior
- Seal cracks and openings around the exterior of your home.
- Routinely remove debris and trash from your yard.
- Add screens to your exterior doors and windows.
- Trade your white light bulbs for yellow, they attract less pests.
- Inspect for damp areas or places that hold stagnant water. Keep these areas dry and free of pooling water.
- Clean your outside trash can when empty and make sure lid closes securely.
Pet Owner Tips
- Wash your pets regularly and always check for fleas and ticks.
- Store pet food in a tightly sealed container (preferably a metal container, if outside).
- Routinely sanitize pet toys and food/water bowls.
Other Tips
- Avoid using moving blankets from moving companies.
- Be mindful of where you put down bags/purses (bugs will crawl in and follow you home).
- Inspect hotel rooms before settling in and inspect luggage before returning home.
- Break down and remove old cardboard boxes.
- Store important documents in secure containers with a sealed lid.
- Discard unnecessary items such as linens, clothing, paper products, and food.
- Water is the key to life. Standing water must not be tolerated; wet or damp areas should be mitigated immediately. Refer to our mosquito control protocol here.
Give our office a call with any questions or concerns, you'll love to Be a Preferred Customer!
Continue reading:
Do I Need Pest Control?
Keep Pests Out this Winter!
Stored Product Pests May be Invading Your Pantry
Photo credit: National Pest Management Association