Carpenter Bees
Latin Name: Xylocopa violacea
Carpenter bees are an occasional seasonal invader, especially in areas such as Georgia. Traditionally these bees are solitary except for mating season. Though the size of the bee lends to the assumption that it is aggressive, most carpenter bees are docile. During spring and fall seasons, female carpenter bees will drill perfectly round holes that are just a bit over half an inch wide into the underside of exposed wood. The bees do not consume this wood; rather, they push it aside in order for the female to deposit an egg into the cavity or tunnels made. Carpenter bees are often mistaken as bumble bees, but there is a difference between the two species. The carpenter bee will have a matte black abdomen, while the bumble bee has a furry abdomen.
Managing carpenter bee populations often involves a combination of preventative measures, such as sealing and painting exposed wood, and physical controls, such as filling existing holes with wood putty or enlisting professional help.
To request a free pest inspection, contact Preferred Pest Control today.
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