Protect Your Investment From Termite Damage
In Savannah and across the country, most homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover termite damage, so it is important that you purchase a termite warranty from a reputable pest control company.
What is a termite warranty?
A termite warranty is an agreement in which a termite company agrees to treat your home for termites and/or agrees to repair any termite damage that may occur while your home is under their warranty.
Warranties can vary widely, so make sure you thoroughly scrutinize any agreement before you sign it. Clauses and conditions written in the fine print can make what seems like a “good offer” into a waste of money.
Do all warranties cover termite damage?
There are generally two types of termite warranties:
- Treatment only – Covers treatment of your property if termites are found. This is the most common termite warranty in the industry.
- Damage repair and treatment – This covers repair of termite damage and treatment of the home. This type of warranty may be more costly.
What we offer
What we offer is information and options.
Preferred Pest Control guarantees our work. We offer a “treatment-only” warranty in which we inspect your home once a year for termites. If treatment is required, we will provide that treatment at no cost. This option does not cover damage to your home. The reason for this type of warranty is to mitigate risk. Your situation may be tha you own or manage multiple properties and are used to normal maintenance and upkeep. You may opt to have Preferred inspect your property yearly. Early detection and treatment limit the damages. You have coverage at a very reasonable price and you know what your expenses will be. This is definitely good for business.
Our repair warranty, first and foremost, has no deductible. Your home did not have an accident – you should not be penalized or have to pay out of your own pocket for an unexpected expense if your home gets termites while under a warranty. We will inspect your home yearly just like with the control only warranty, and if any infestation is discovered, a treatment necessary will be done and all expenses will be provided by the warranty.
For more information on our termite warranties and pest control services in the Savannah region, give us a call at 912-236-5135 or click here.