The Brown Recluse: Rampant Home Invader or Oft-Mistaken Scapegoat?

We here at Preferred Pest Control like to keep up to date with the most recent news in our industry, especially in the Savannah, Georgia area. Surfing through the internet last week I noticed an article confirming what my technicians and I have said for years about the Brown Recluse spider.
Check the article out at:
The interesting thing to note here is that the Brown Recluse spider is not found in Savannah, Georgia. In fact, its southernmost range is in Northwest Georgia, and even there it is a rare sight. Thus, the vast majority of “bites” from this fascinating arachnid are indeed misattributed, something to remember if you ever find yourself confronted by an uninvited, brown arthropod in your home or office.
The massive number of false Brown Recluse reports in Georgia noted by the article is absolutely something we deal with here on a regular basis. Working since 1988 in the Savannah, Georgia area, we have had innumerable customers reach out to us and ask if we can treat their home for Brown Recluse spiders. Though I never tell my customers no, I always remind them that the spiders they see in their home are almost certainly not what they fear. The most common misidentified culprit? The non-lethal wolf spider. A side-by-side photo comparison can be seen below.
The next time you see a creepy, brown spider strolling through your house, rest assured it is likely not a Brown Recluse. Use the photos shown above to decipher the spider’s species, and call us if you would like us to come treat it for you.
If you have any concerns about spiders or any other pests that you would like us to address, please give us a call at (912)-236-5135 and make us your pest services company in the Savannah, Georgia area today!