Where Do Cobwebs Come From?

If the inside of your home looks like you started decorating for Halloween early, then you may have a problem.
Cobwebs are a sign of spiders. Spiders help get rid of other pesky bugs like mosquitoes and flies, but when it comes down to it, the critters just aren’t pleasant to encounter. They creep into tiny cracks and crevices, while their webs collect dust and remnants of their (cringe) meals.
So what exactly is a cobweb? Unlike spider webs, which spiders use to catch and trap their prey, cobwebs are vacant “homes” spiders have abandoned to move on to greener pastures – in this case, usually just a new area of your house. The stray spider silk left behind is incredibly sticky and a magnet for pollen, dust particles, and other debris.
Combating the sticky strands is not that tough — and can be done with some distance between you and the deserted webs.
The best way to stop spiders from leaving their mark is to prevent them from ever coming in. Fall is the perfect time for them to seek shelter, so stay one step ahead of them and block their access. Seal cracks in windows and door frames. Dusting with citrus furniture polish goes a long way. As creepy as it sounds, spiders’ taste buds are on the tips of their legs and they can’t stand the taste of lemon.
Keep in mind pest problems are an annoyance that disrupts comfort, and you shouldn’t have to stand for it! With those pesky little creepers at bay, you can focus time and energy making your house spooky – for all the right reasons.
From ants, to fleas, to cockroaches, to mice, Preferred Pest Control will inspect and strategize until we’ve found the source of your pest control problem, and then we’ll put a stop to it. Please give us a call at (912) 236-5135 for all of your pest control needs.