Why Do I Have Bedbugs?

Bedbug customers always ask us, “How did I get them?” I can’t always answer that one. Sometimes bedbugs can be picked up while traveling, or maybe a relative visited your home and left them behind. It could be that you brought something into your home containing bedbugs. They have been found in theaters, department stores, and even doctor’s offices. Preferred Pest Control’s bedbug treatment program is unrivaled in the pest control business. We do not have failures, and we do not accept failure as an option. The only problem is reinfestation – if you don’t know how you got the bedbugs, you cannot guarantee that you won’t bring them back into your home. We can’t control how you got bedbugs to start with, but with regular pest control service we may be able to keep it from happening again. Maybe you should be a Preferred customer.